Friday, March 8, 2013

Women's Day

A BIG HUG to all women out there, this is our day!

I mean, everyday is our day but today is the day when men pretend to actually appreciate our awesomeness :P (uh that was mean)

Today is the day we celebrate our being women, our strenght and fierce!

I'm young and unexperienced but I send all my thoughts and wishes to all the mothers, sisters, aunties and all those who do their best to take care of their families and beloved because I wish to become strong, determined and as inspiring one day!

Don't ever let anyone, man or woman, to let you down because you're incredible and you can do so much, is just that you don't know yet :)

"I don't want to stay in the bad place, where no one believes in silver linings or love or happy endings"
 [Pat Peoples - Silver Linings Playbook]

I love this book because basically it tells you that there always is a silver lining and I want to dedicate this quote to all those women who are living a bad period in their lives!
Girls, you may don't know but ... you SHINE! 

xx LOVE!